Water Use & Recycling
Most of our water consumption is associated with our well completion operations. We calculate our water intensity rate by using the barrels of water consumed in our completion operations per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) produced. As a result of our conservation efforts, we have reduced our water intensity nearly 50% over the last four years. Still, we endeavor to limit the fresh water use in our operations by focusing on recycling of wastewater for use in subsequent operations.
When practical, CLR builds water recycling facilities to handle produced water and supply recycled water for completions operations. Our process has become the benchmark for water recycling in Oklahoma and has since been adopted by multiple peer companies and service providers. In 2017, Continental was the recipient of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board’s Water for 2060 Excellence Award for our achievements in water conservation and wastewater reuse, and helping Oklahoma meet its Water for 2060 goal of ensuring reliable supplies of fresh water for future economic growth and prosperity.